2018 Summer Exhibition opens at St. Mary’s Church, Shrewsbury

UPDATE!!! Post has been updated to include the winner of The People’s Prize, see below!

Our Summer Exhibition was opened at St. Mary’s Church, Shrewsbury on Saturday 23rd June by Dr Tim Jenkins, Culture & Heritage Services Manager – Shropshire; he was introduced by the Society’s President Wilfred Langford, and gave a splendid speech to the members and guests at the Preview, explaining the unique nature of Shropshire, and making us all (and our art) feel part of a very special cultural heritage.

The Townsend Family were there in force, Alan (Judy’s husband), his three daughters and one of his grand daughters, to select the painting to be awarded this year’s Judy Townsend Memorial Prize… it was great to have three generations of the family involved in choosing Rob Leckey’s painting Aber Foreshore — Caernarfon to win the £100 prize. Here (below) is the painting, which features a more vibrant turquoise colour in real life than the photo shows. It was Rob’s use of colour and space in this painting that was commented on by the Townsend girls in their presentation speech; they said that as well as the stunning turquoise (which they loved), they found the painting intriguing, and that it drew them in to its narrative as soon as they saw it. Congratulations Rob!

We are very grateful to John Willetts and his team for organising and staging the Exhibition so professionally; a huge amount of work goes on behind the scenes to make it all happen smoothly. And of course we are delighted that so many of our members take part in exhibiting their work, which is truly varied in subject matter, style and size… there is something for everyone (including a lovely array of greetings cards by our members) to enjoy, and buy… if you visit bring your wallets!

Do visit the Exhibition and vote for your favourite, put your vote in the voting box on the table, as a People’s Prize of £50 is awarded to the painting that receives the most votes. The Exhibition is open from 10am to 4pm daily (not Sundays) and runs until 7th July at 2pm. We hope to see you there!

UPDATE!!! The winner of the People’s Prize 2018 was Lynne Morgan for her painting The Wrekin From Cressage. Here’s a detail from bothe the winning paintings… apologies for any reflections in the glass, it’s tricky to photograph in St. Mary’s Church!

(Photos with thanks to Anne Linton and Sally Townsend Blake.)