Sketch Club enjoys sunny start to season in Ludlow

Our Sketch Club 2015 season started with a visit to the attractive South Shropshire town of Ludlow. We met at the Harley Centre where Ludlow Art Society (LAS) were holding their Exhibition. The LAS members were very hospitable, making tea and coffee for us on arrival. We enjoyed meeting them, looking at their work and voting for our favourite pictures.

The day was sunny and warm, and members had a relaxing day sketching the varied and attractive buildings and colourful street market.

Later in the year – in July – we will be meeting at St Mary’s Church in Shrewsbury town centre when we hope some members of Ludlow Art Society will come to look at our Summer Exhibition. We plan to have coffee with them at the Battlefield 1403 Cafe within the Church. It would be nice if some of our Sketch Club members were there to greet them and perhaps show them interesting places to sketch around town – all helping to foster friendship between the two societies. SAS Sketch Club Members, please come along and take part!

Thank you to Jo Thompson for the photos and words.