Shropshire Art Society visits Cambridge

An early start saw 45 Shropshire Art Society members arriving outside the Fitzwilliam Museum in Cambridge in good time for coffee at 11.00am. We were all eager to explore its splendid collection and particularly its picture galleries. Special exhibitions of Prints by Gerhart Frankel and another of Calligraphy Today especially caught the eye, as did Gallery 5 with its fine collection of Impressionist paintings.

Collage of SAS Gallery Day Trip to Cambridge 2012
A flavour of our Cambridge trip

Lunch was soon followed by an exploration of the city’s vibrant, student and tourist-thronged centre, as many of us made our way to the very special experience provided by the house and gallery at Kettle’s Yard. From 1958 until 1973 the home of a former Curator of the Tate, Jim Ede, it’s a rich storehouse of paintings and artefacts produced by Ben and Winifred Nicholson, Barbara Hepworth, Henry Moore and many other influential artist friends. These are all displayed in an intimate, calm and welcoming domestic setting.

Heading back to our coach, we could only briefly take in the colourful punting scene on the Cam, some unusual street performers, the excellent commercial galleries along Trinity Street and of course the impressive architecture of the College frontages. An exciting and sun-blessed day!

Shropshire Art Society gallery trips are open to members and their guests, are affordable and are usually over-subscribed. Do make sure you book early for future excursions!