Shropshire Art Society Payments

We accept payments for Shropshire Art Society membership and activities via PayPal. You can checkout with your PayPal account or, if you don’t have a PayPal account, PayPal will offer you the option to checkout as a guest (creating a PayPal account is optional).

IMPORTANT, if you are paying by PayPal:
Please make a separate payment for each subscription renewal, activity or event, ie. use ONE payment code per payment. (This is to help our Treasurer categorise the payments, and there is no additional cost to you. Thank you for your understanding.)

Alternatively, you can pay by cheque.

You will still need to complete the relevant Shropshire Art Society form as usual, and send the form to the address on the form; please tick the relevant option on the form to confirm that you have paid with PayPal.

When paying by PayPal on this page, you will need to tell us:

  • your FIRST NAME and SURNAME so that we can identify your payment
  • the CODE identifying the activity or event that you are paying for
  • the AMOUNT you are paying for that activity or event

The current list of what you can pay for and the associated code(s) follows below; this list may change throughout the year.

Shropshire Art Society item you wish to pay forThe item codeThe item amount*
2025 Wednesday Classes Spring Term WL RLWC2025*
2024-2025 Saturday WorkshopsSW2425*
Membership Fee (new or lapsed members)MF2025£30
* (the total amount from your Booking, Application or Entry Form or other amount requested by the organiser)

To pay with PayPal, complete the form below.
You will be redirected to PayPal to complete your payment.

In the first field type:

In the second field type:
The amount you are paying (please do not include the £ sign)
eg. 20 or 22.50 etc.

You will need to check the ‘tick box’ to give your consent to this website passing the details you enter on this page to PayPal for processing of your payment.

We also ask you to answer a ‘Spam bot blocker’ question to help ensure this form is only completed by humans and not Spam robots. Thank you for understanding.

SAS Payments

Spambot blocker question

4 + 10 =

 I agree to this website passing my entered details to PayPal for processing of my payment and to my transaction data being kept for required Shropshire Art Society financial records (Click here to read our Privacy Policy)

Validating payment information...
Waiting for PayPal...
Validating payment information...
Waiting for PayPal...

If you experience a problem with your payment, please contact Rob Leckey, our Treasurer, at or tel. 01743 872297 or 07881 380024.

Thank you!