Our members are invited to exhibit a single artwork in this Gallery (members, find the instructions at the foot of the Gallery, here). Where the artist has provided a website link, click website to visit. Alternatively, click any individual artwork to expand the image to a larger size. You can then browse the Gallery to see the range of art being made by our Shropshire Art Society artists.
Copyright for each image shown remains with the artist.
For members: how to take part
Shropshire Art Society members who would like to be included in this Gallery, please send an email to the Shropshire Art Society Webmaster, Sally, at
Attach ONE medium-high resolution JPEG or PNG of a single representative piece of your art work; scan or photograph the work before it is framed behind glass, to avoid reflections in the image; do not include any form of watermark; the image should be of the art work without mount or frame (unless integral to / a part of the art work). The image will be resized to fit the Gallery format; please make sure the image of your artwork is at least of 1000px on the longest side.
We can also include a link, either to your website showcasing your work as an artist OR your public Facebook artist page (not your personal Facebook profile) OR your public Instagram artist page. Choose one of those only, and include its address when you send in your image, and we will link to it from your Gallery image.
We invite you to change your image in the Gallery once per membership year, using the same method. Please do consider taking part.
Members, it is your responsibility to make sure the website at the link you have provided continues to work throughout the year and to inform Sally if for any reason it no longer functions and/or you would like the link removed. If your membership lapses ie. you don’t renew your membership in any year, we will remove your image from the Gallery, usually by the end of March of that year.