Our Paintaway returns!

SAS Paintaway to Skelwith Bridge 2022

After more than two years of Covid-imposed Paintaway inactivity, it was exciting to be heading once more on a fine May morning for The Skelwith Bridge Hotel in the Lake District, only a  short distance from Ambleside and at the entrance to the Langdale Valley. Situated on the delightful River Brathay, the hotel has, on several previous occasions, provided an excellent base for our four days of painting activities as well as a variety of walking opportunities for non-painting partners and friends who are always very welcome to join us on these occasions.

The hotel and its friendly staff were welcoming as ever and provided an excellent menu within our half-board package. Good to see that some things haven’t changed very much!

The right note was struck early in our stay, with an excellent demonstration of sketching and drawing techniques by Wilf Langford, our president. This was conveniently staged on the banks of the river immediately in front of the hotel where Wilf took as his subject the old bridge which takes the road across the river towards Hawkshead, only a few miles away. Wilf, known to us all as an excellent tutor, explained his general approach to his subject, as well as talking about his preferred sketching materials and his particular techniques for gathering sufficient information fairly swiftly to provide the basic information for a subsequent painting. This provided a stimulating start for members. So a big thank you to Wilf!

Over the following days, some of us travelled to favourite and unexplored locations throughout this part of the Lake District and as far away as stunning Wastwater, while others worked mainly within easy reach of the hotel, with some of us making the usual pilgrimage to the Heaton Cooper shop and gallery in Grasmere to top up our supplies of art materials.

On each of the evenings we met for a social hour in the bar before dinner and on the final evening in the lounge for an informal sharing of sketchbooks and to thank Wilf for his demonstration at the start of the visit and Alan and Sally for the work they had done in organising the event. Thanks too to Beverley Wightman for the lovely photos included above.

Already we are looking forward to next May, when we hope to repeat this annual event in another of our favourite locations. See future editions of Focal Points for the latest info!

Oxford, Ashmolean, Pissarro 2022

On a sunny Saturday in mid-March, 38 Shropshire Art Society members and their guests arrived bright and early at the Abbey car park to board an executive coach run by the incomparable Longmynd Coaches, for a trip to the Ashmolean Museum in Oxford. 

SAS gallery day trip to see Pissarro: Father of Impressionism 2022
Pissarro: Father of Impressionism, 2022 (and Alan!)

Arriving at 10.30 am, just in time for coffee, many made their way to the lovely Museum café. The particular exhibition we had gone to see was Pissarro: Father of Impressionism which was deemed by everyone to be an excellent exhibition, and which was quite extensive, occupying 3 rooms. Tickets were timed and masks were required, so safety was well considered. Some had booked a lunch in the Museum’s rooftop restaurant, some made their way to the café, but those who had brought their own were able to sit outside enjoying the sunshine – no coat required!

The great thing about the Ashmolean is that it is a museum, with many and varied exhibits, including ancient instruments. In fact the museum is home to what is possibly the most famous Stradivarius violin – ‘the Messiah’, which is reputedly worth about three million pounds!

Musical instruments at the Ashmolean including 'the Messiah', a Stradivarius
The collection includes ‘the Messiah’ (left), the famous Stradivarius

The Ashmolean certainly has something to interest everyone as Frank’s photos (below) highlight, thank you Frank!

Wide range of exhibits at the Ashmolean, Oxford
Exhibits at the Ashmolean, as seen by Frank Hilton

The good weather also gave those who wished to the opportunity to explore Oxford, with its many and varied art galleries, as well as several shopping centres. The Ashmolean is perfectly placed right in the centre of Oxford, giving access to a wide variety of venues and experiences.

The homeward journey began at 4.30pm, and the journey was smooth and quick, thanks to our expert driver. We were back in Shrewsbury well before 7pm! 

All were full of praise for the trip overall, and in particular for the Pissarro exhibition. Another lovely Gallery trip, and one enjoyed by all. 

Our grateful thanks go to Beverley Wightman our Gallery Trips Organiser for making all the arrangements and for looking after us so brilliantly on the day. Thank you Beverley. We look forward to seeing where you take us next 😊

The return… to Liverpool, for Sickert and Freud

It felt very good to be meeting up in the Abbey Car Park once again on Saturday 30th October, after such a long pandemic-enforced break, to board our Longmynd Travel coach to Liverpool.

38 of us, masked up for the safety of all, travelled together. In our sights were two excellent exhibitions: Walter Sickert: A Life in Art at the Walker Art Gallery, and Lucian Freud: Real Lives at the TATE. Though, once in Liverpool, some of us went further afield and enjoyed many other city highlights too.

The Sickert exhibition was wonderfully informative with a focus on Sickert’s drawings and his process involving them. Many of us took the whole morning to take it all in. On at the TATE, as well as the Freud, were exhibitions featuring Louise Bourgeois, and Lucy McKenzie which some of us visited.

Liverpool 2021, Walker Gallery, Walter Sickert: A Life in Art
Liverpool Walker Art Gallery 2021, Walter Sickert: A Life in Art
Liverpool 2021, Shropshire Art Society Gallery Day Trip
Liverpool 2021, Shropshire Art Society Gallery Day Trip
Liverpool 2021, TATE, Lucian Freud: Real Lives
Liverpool TATE 2021, Lucian Freud: Real lives
Liverpool 2021, Shropshire Art Society Gallery Day Trip
Liverpool 2021, Shropshire Art Society Gallery Day Trip

The weather blessed us with sunshine, and in short, a very good time was had by all.

We were fortunate that Beverley Wightman had joined Alan in organising this trip, and that she looked after us so well on the day. We are very grateful to Beverley, who is now co-opted on to the Committee to be our Gallery Day Trips organiser. Photos are thanks to Anne Linton and Sally Blake.

We look forward to seeing you on our next Gallery Day Trip, now in the early planning stage, in 2022. Thank you to all our members and their guests who came to Liverpool for making the trip such a special one. We are back in action!

Autumn Exhibition 2021, our winner

Our Autumn Exhibition was successfully held at the Bear Steps Gallery, Shrewsbury in October. It was wonderful to see the high standard and variety of our members’ new work. Thank you to all who exhibited, and of course to John Willetts and his team for staging the exhibition so expertly. Thank you to the Bear Steps Gallery for welcoming us again.

The happy news is that The R Harrison and H Walker Prize was awarded to Frank Hilton for his stunning painting ‘From Lilleshall’. Congratulations Frank! Thank you to Jonathan Soden of The Soden Collection for adjudicating the award for us. Here is the painting, and Frank with his award.

'From Lilleshall' painted by Frank Hilton
‘From Lilleshall’ Frank Hilton
The R Harrison and H Walker Prize winner Frank Hilton, Autumn 2021
The R Harrison and H Walker Prize winner Frank Hilton, Autumn 2021

We are grateful to all our visitors for making the exhibition such a success. Here’s a flavour of the Exhibition for those who couldn’t visit this time. See you for our next Exhibition in summer 2022!

Shropshire Art Society, Autumn Exhibition 2021 collage
Shropshire Art Society Autumn Exhibition 2021, Bear Steps Gallery
Shropshire Art Society, Autumn Exhibition 2021 collage
Shropshire Art Society, Autumn Exhibition 2021

Summer Exhibition 2021 Opens!

We are delighted that Saturday 19th June saw our valued team of volunteers setting up the Summer Exhibition in St. Mary’s Church, Shrewsbury, by kind permission of the Churches Conservation Trust. The exhibition runs until 3rd July.

SAS Summer Exhibition ready for visitors

There was a real buzz in the church as members began arriving from across Shropshire with their paintings. It felt exciting to come together in person after so many months, and to see all our members’ new work in place, ready for visitors to enjoy from Monday 21st June. Thank you all the exhibitors, helpers, and especially to John Willetts, our Exhibitions Organiser, for making the exhibition a reality… it feels like a very positive moment for the Society, St. Mary’s and for the local community as summer 2021 begins.

The Townsend Family were joined by our President Wilf Langford, to judge the Judy Townsend Memorial Prize… it was awarded to Shirley Wade for her painting ‘Still Life’.

“We loved the strong composition of the painting and its vibrant colours; its narrative drew us in and made us want to explore the garden beyond. Congratulations Shirley!”

Celebrating with Shirley Wade, winner of the Judy Townsend Memorial Prize 2021
Shirley Wade with her winning painting, accompanied by Wilf Langford, Alan Townsend and Mary Shirra.

Click HERE to watch a short video of Alan presenting Shirley with her award. Here’s a further glimpse of how the Exhibition looked after set up on Saturday afternoon. We hope you will all be able to visit and enjoy it. Don’t forget to vote for your favourite painting for the People’s Prize!

SAS Summer Exhibition 2021
SAS Summer Exhibition 2021

Thank you to all our participating artists, and here’s wishing you all a successful summer exhibition.
(Photos, Sally Blake)