Mike Clements, of the Sidney Nolan Trust, made a welcome return visit on Wednesday 24th October to the English Bridge Workshop in Shrewsbury to run another of his excellent workshops for the members of the Shropshire Art Society Printing Group.

On this occasion, Mike’s aim was to further initiate us into the techniques of the various types of intaglio printing and to encourage us to introduce colour into our prints, by the use of ‘a la poupee’ and ‘chine collee’ techniques. He definitely succeeded. One of the course members was keen to praise the day, This workshop enabled us to further develop our confidence in the various intaglio methods and encouraged us to employ this new knowledge in our remaining monthly print workshops.
Alan Townsend, who co-ordinates the printing sessions said, Normally we rely on the expertise of our own members to guide us at our monthly printing sessions, which works well, but it is inspiring to have Mike’s skilled input and excellent tuition on occasions like this. We all had a great day.
Thank you Mike!