In spite of a few doubts about the weather, and adverse road conditions meaning that some of our more rurally-based members could not attend, we set off for Liverpool as planned on Saturday 3rd March with a reduced but enthusiastic party. We drove through a rather snowy Shropshire landscape but in the good hands of our coach driver, arrived on time in Liverpool, and went on to have a thoroughly enjoyable day.

After coffee at the Walker Art Gallery in the centre of the city, we enjoyed the richness and variety of their permanent exhibitions as well as some exciting temporary exhibitions. The highlight for some of us was the ‘Slaves of fashion’ exhibition, where we marvelled at the fascinating, intricate work of the Singh twins. Using traditional as well as very contemporary techniques, in this exhibition they explore the legacies of the relationship between the UK and India, including trade, exploitation and slavery via large, very colourful textile panels, displayed on light boxes and paintings. Some of us were very fortunate to be able to talk with the two sisters about their work. A special treat!

Later after lunch at Tate Liverpool, most of us spent the whole afternoon exploring the current John Piper exhibition. While his later more familiar landscape work was acknowledged, the emphasis of this exhibition was on Piper’s interest in the 1930s art movements of continental Europe including Cubism and abstraction in general and its effect on his own work.

Excellent exhibitions were enjoyed in both galleries and it was generally agreed that it had been another stimulating and engaging day.
Thanks to our Longmynd coach driver for excellent service in the wintry conditions and to Anne Linton for her photographs.