Shrewsbury Arts Trail 2022, visit us!

Hot on the heels of our recent Summer Exhibition come our two Shrewsbury Arts Trail 2022 Exhibitions, giving another great opportunity to see our members’ work in two very special Shrewsbury venues throughout July and August. Invited by the Development Officer at St. Mary’s Church to participate in the Shrewsbury Arts Trail 2022, members of …

Autumn Exhibition 2021, our winner

Our Autumn Exhibition was successfully held at the Bear Steps Gallery, Shrewsbury in October. It was wonderful to see the high standard and variety of our members’ new work. Thank you to all who exhibited, and of course to John Willetts and his team for staging the exhibition so expertly. Thank you to the Bear …

Summer Exhibition 2021 Opens!

We are delighted that Saturday 19th June saw our valued team of volunteers setting up the Summer Exhibition in St. Mary’s Church, Shrewsbury, by kind permission of the Churches Conservation Trust. The exhibition runs until 3rd July. There was a real buzz in the church as members began arriving from across Shropshire with their paintings. …