We realise that, sometimes, our members can feel unsure about whether they should take the plunge and enter their work, perhaps for the first time, in a Shropshire Art Society exhibition. So, at the last Committee Meeting, we asked one of our first-time exhibitors in our Summer Exhibition to share her experience. Thank you to Gillian Mortimer for telling us her encouraging and inspiring story. We hope it encourages YOU to take part in our Autumn Exhibition 2022!
Gillian’s story
I have no formal art training or background, it’s just something I love doing. The thought of showing my work to others was pie in the sky. But I started sharing my pictures online during lockdown, and found my friends quite encouraging. Several of them asked me if I was going to exhibit. A terrifying prospect.
But the SAS Summer Exhibition was coming up, and I thought ‘Why not give it a go? If my paintings are not very good they’ll get lost amongst all the other wonderful work, so it won’t matter.’ I chose my three best pictures, used some frames I’d bought years ago and never used, held my nose and jumped. And guess what? All three of them sold, to my utter amazement.
It wasn’t anywhere near as as scary as I expected, and other Society members are so lovely and willing to advise. So if you are not sure, why not give it a go yourself? You could be as lucky as I was.
Here’s a glimpse of Gillian’s framed paintings:
So what are you waiting for, Shropshire Art Society members both new and long-standing? The Autumn Exhibition Information, Conditions of Entry and Entry Form are included in your August 2022 edition of Focal Points (coming soon), which also has some extra, helpful guidance about framing your work for Shropshire Art Society exhibitions.
We look forward to receiving your entries! Join in!