Autumn Exhibition 2017 – our winner!

What a lovely day we were blessed with for our Autumn Exhibition Social at The Bear Steps Gallery, and we had a great turn out! Members and guests viewed the exhibition over a glass of wine and nibbles. It was a very happy occasion.

Collage of SAS Autumn Exhibition 2017 Social, with Frank Hilton receiving his award
SAS Autumn Exhibition 2017, Social and Award presentation

Our Adjudicator for the R Harrison and H Walker Prize was Di Purser – thank you so much Di! For the picture that best reflects the Shropshire countryside, she chose Frank Hilton’s acrylic painting “Stiperstones from Rowley”. The silver salver was presented by our President, Jean Hammond, to Frank; photos of the presentation are thanks to Anne Linton. Congratulations Frank!

Image of winning painting Walker Harrison Prize 2017 (Frank Hilton, Stiperstones from Rowley)
The winning painting, “Stiperstones from Rowley” by Frank Hilton

The Exhibition runs until 3pm on Saturday 14th October, open daily this week from 10am to 4pm. Thank you to our Exhibition Secretary John Willetts for all his hard work, and to everyone else who has helped. Also to all our artists for taking part and exhibiting their work. Without you there would be no exhibition!