We are pleased to report that we have enjoyed a lively and well attended start to our programme of Workshops and Classes for the coming season, commencing with our first Saturday Workshop last weekend, organised by our committed and enthusiastic leaders, Lynne Morgan and Mick Krupa. Some 20 members considered the work of a group of artists characterised as “The Print Rebels” before responding in the medium of their choice.
Similarly, our programme of Wednesday Classes got off to an excellent start this week, at the English Bridge Workshop, with a sequence of classes led by Euryl Stevens. We are delighted to have her tutoring us again. It’s exciting that demand to attend these classes this year has been extremely high, with overflow waiting lists in some cases. We are looking forward to welcoming our other tutors Lynne Morgan, Pip Jones, Wilf Langford and Di Purser as the year progresses and in 2020.
The Printing Workshops will also be underway soon, later this month, kindly organised by Suki White.
Thank you to Alan Townsend for organising the programme overall, and to him and Liz Carr for the photos.