2014-2015 Workshops and Classes underway!

It’s been a joy to head down to the English Bridge Workshop in the last month, armed with my camera, to catch a glimpse of the Shropshire Art Society Workshops and Classes as they start a new season of activity.

Collage of SAS Wednesday classes 2014
Wednesday classes 2014
Collage of SAS Printing Workshops 2014
Printing Workshops 2014

So far I’ve seen the exciting work being produced by members at the end of three Wednesday sessions with Judith Moy as she taught ‘Experiments with mixed media’. Next up will be tutor Lynne Morgan with ‘Exploring Shropshire’s Industrial Past through a variety of media’ beginning on 1st October.

And yesterday I visited the first Wednesday Printing Workshop of 2014, led by Suki White – it made me want to get my hands on lino, ink and printing press! Next month Sally Dixon Leigh, herself a member of the Society, has kindly agreed to lead a Monoprint Workshop for the group.

On Saturday 4th October I’ll be popping into one of the Saturday Workshops, this one ‘in the style of Norman Cornish and the ‘Pitmen Painters’ – Northern Portraiture’, led by Lynne Morgan and Mick Krupa and I can’t wait! Watch this space for a new photo collage from that day.

These are the kinds of activities you can get involved in as a member of the Shropshire Art Society.

Report by Sally Townsend Blake